Friday, 18 March 2011

Peer feedback on The Final Piece

1) Describe the type of camera work. Which has been used. Do you think it's effective? Why?
Point of view, long shot, pan, over the shoulder. The pan wasn't clear, jumpy, couldn't see the girl easily. With the over the shoulder shot in the mirror it wasn't as jumpy as it could be.
2) What type of sound has been used? Does it work with the visuals? How?
Minimum use of sound at end made it creepy and sad to show emotion of the girl.
3) How has the mise-en-scene construction had an impact on the thriller genre?
Location- at school, teenagers worked well
Props- car
Costume- dark and for girl, clearly dead, makes her seem pale.
Lighting- low lighting in bathroom when she was in mirror.
4) What editing techniques have been use?
Not a lot. Boy running after ball cut was effective. Cut on to girl in mirror with boy
5) Can you think of any constructive criticism?
Could have cut back on mirror and she was gone. Shot was too quick not jumpy enough.
6) what was the most effective element of the production?
Car crash and mise-en-scene.

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